Download our new housing guides!
- A Simple Guide to Finding Housing in Alameda County, Volume 1, by Judy Eliachar, October 2022
- A Simple Guide to Finding Housing in Alameda County, Volume 2, by Judy Eliachar, November 2023 update
- A Simple Guide to Finding Housing in Contra Costa County, by Angela Moore, October 2022
- Watch a recording and download slides from our October 13, 2022 workshop on housing and these guides.
Need urgent help with housing?
- If you’re in Alameda County: It’s best to visit a Housing Resource Center for immediate assistance. If you can’t call 2-1-1 (or 1-800-799-7233).
- Visit (in-person) a Housing Resource Center (click for directory).
- If you can’t go in-person, call 2-1-1 Coordinated Entry Services.
- If you need additional help, contact AIDS Housing Information Project for help for people living with HIV (PLWH) in Alameda County.
- In you’re in Contra Costa County:
- Call 2-1-1 Contra Costa and/or check out the Shelter/Housing directory webpage.
- Contact Hope Solutions for help with housing navigation for PLWH in Contra Costa County.
Where to find available housing opportunities in the East Bay:
- Openhouse: affordable and low-income housing opportunities for seniors, PLWH and adults with disabilities, updated the first week of each month.
- Click here to go to the Openhouse website
- Scroll down
- Under “Current Affordable Housing Lists”
- Click on: “Bay Area Housing Opportunity List” for listings in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties.
- SAHA: Satellite Affordable Housing Associates provides affordable housing throughout the Bay Area.
- Bay Area Legal Aid can help folks avoid the background check barrier to housing.
- The Home Stretch Fund can cover move-in costs and furnishings for residents of Alameda County who receive Medi-Cal and are homeless or are at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
- Our Place is a low-barrier drop-in clinic through Lifelong/EBCRP located at 2577 San Pablo Avenue in Oakland for people with substance use, homelessness and/or mental health issues. Case managers and mental health therapists are on-site. Our Place offers shower services, laundry, phone charging, group and individual counseling – both online and in person.
Additional opportunities that require case manager or provider referral:
- Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) Program supports clients living in Alameda County & Contra Costa County with emergency financial assistance in paying late rent and utilities during times of emergency need. Clients must work with their case managers to access these services.
- Community Cabins: Email Tomika Perkins, tperkins@operationdignity.org. This is for Operation Dignity sites only: Mandela North, Mandela South, and Northgate. Use a HIPAA-compliant encrypted email method and include the patient name, DOB, and phone number (if available).
Guidance on using the Openhouse listings:
Pay close attention to closing dates. For example, in the November 2021 Alameda County listings, both buildings on page 1 (Blake at Berkeley & Foon Lok West) closed their wait lists on November 1.
How to identify housing set aside for PLWH and other priority populations: Some buildings will specify preferences for veterans, homeless people, survivors of domestic violence, etc. Sometimes HOPWA units and corresponding preferences for PLWH are referred to as “special needs” to protect resident confidentiality.
Additional East Bay housing resources:
On October 13, 2022, we held a Housing 101 workshop with housing and HIV advocates to learn about the East Bay housing guides, the experience of applying for housing as a person experiencing homelessness in the East Bay, and how to support people through the process. Click here to watch a recording and download slides
On October 28, 2021, we held a workshop on strengthening HIV linkages and housing for people experiencing homelessness and unstable housing in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Click here to watch a video of the workshop presentation.
Please click on the links to download handouts and resources discussed during the workshop: