The current version was updated in February 2020. It is currently undergoing review with the CDPH and HRSA AETC teams for finalization and formatting for ADA accessibility. The final approved version will be posted here when it is available.
This 3-page PEP Quick Clinical Guide provides clear, concise guidance on how to evaluate the need for non-occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and how to prescribe and manage PEP. The PEP Guide was developed by a collaborative team of Bay Area clinicians who wanted a brief guide to prescribing and safely supporting someone taking PEP for their own use as well as for training for other providers, particularly those providing urgent and emergency care.
For anyone presenting for PEP, please also offer PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) after they complete their course of PEP: PrEP Guide:
Updated PEP Guides will be posted to this link.