On September 21, 2023, HIV care service providers from around Alameda county gathered at the California Endowment building for East Bay Getting to Zero’s first in-person Linkage and Retention workshop since 2020. The theme was HIV Stigma and LGBT Communities. Shawn Demmons from the PAETC gave an informative presentation on the topic and then small groups met to discuss various ways to reduce HIV stigma in their everyday work as well as structural changes impacting care that could be made.
Intention and learning objectives: We aim to provide an open, inviting and collaborative space so service providers, public health and community advocates can:
- Explore the current landscape of HIV stigma in LGBT healthcare.
- Describe how HIV stigma can act as a barrier to care.
- Identify culturally appropriate models and practices that address HIV-related stigma
Watch a video of the grounding exercise/ healing practice on Box Breathing presented by Dr. Samali Lubega
Linkage and Retention Network: Fall 2023 workshop
HIV Stigma and LGBT Communties
Strategies for Effective Stigma Reduction Strategies In Our Community shared in small breakout groups
- Participants were invited to share strategies that their organization use to reduce HIV stigma in the following categories:
- INTRApersonal, INTERpersonal, Community, Organizational, Structural
- Discuss in small groups and report back to the large group:
- What is one existing stigma reduction strategy or resource that people should know about?
- What is one strategy that you would like to see implemented more widely in the East Bay?
INTRApersonal strategies:
- Increased visibility/representation within BIPOC communities
- Lunch and learn training sessions lead by peers/ members of the community
- Support groups lead by members of the community
INTERpersonal strategies:
- More culturally competent HIV outreach campaigns
- Be willing to have sensitive conversations about HIV
- Culturally competent partner services and notifications
- Opportunities for members of the community to tell their stories in their own words
Community strategies:
- Increased visibility of BIPOC community members
- “For us, by us”, “Nothing for us without us”
- Stronger advocacy for communities experiencing higher rates of new HIV transmissions
- More BIPOC provider representation
Organizational strategies:
- More flexible clinic times
- Eliminate HIV red flag warnings in EMRs
- Integrating HIV services into primary care, so that folks don’t have to see more than one provider
- Improved sexual health education in schools
Structural strategies:
- Decriminalization of HIV
- Advocacy for housing and legal services
- Education and practice of cultural humility and respect when working with trans communities
Community partner announcements:
Liz Nguyen from UCSF spoke about the Late Diagnosis study that is still recruiting participants. Please view the flier and QR code below: