Please click on the download button for a PDF collection of housing resources from Judy Eliachar at the AIDS Housing Information Project, Eden I&R (many thanks to Judy!):
1) Process chart showing the 2-1-1/Coordinated Entry System (CES)
2) Overview of the 2-1-1/Coordinated Entry System (CES)
3) List of CES housing resource centers
4) 2-1-1 flyer in multiple languages
5) AIDS Housing Information Project (AHIP) flyer in English
6) AHIP flyer in Spanish
7) Rent and affordable housing income limits info sheet
8) Buildings with HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS) units
9) Comprehensive description of housing resources (affordable and subsidized housing; coordinated entry; and HOPWA housing)
Key take-home points from the April 30th workshop on housing and street outreach:
1. Create/strengthen partnerships between street outreach teams and clinic/CBO testing and care teams.
2. Access online tools: service directory, housing resources, HIV resources, COVID resources, Healthcare for the Homeless resources, 2-1-1 resources
3. To access housing services in Alameda County, including assessments for the hotels for housing people at high risk for COVID, follow these steps:
1) The best way to enter the coordinated entry system (CES) is to support the client to call 211, or
2) Go to a Housing Resource Center (HRC) during drop-in hours (call first to find out if/when they are open during the COVID outbreak).
*If a person experiencing homelessness or living in a shelter tests COVID+ or has high-suspicion of COVID symptoms, please call the public health department within 1 hour at 510-267–3250 (or 925-422–7595 on evenings/weekends) for support around isolation and contact tracing, and during weekdays, coordinate testing and care with the street team that covers that location.
*For the hotel beds, people who qualify (COVID positive, symptomatic but not confirmed, exposed, medically fragile over 60 need to have a CES assessment in place, so those people should call an HRC or (if not COVID+) go to a HRC as soon as possible.
3) If they are a person living with HIV, they can call Angelica Moore at Eden I&R (510 695-1693) for support in getting pre-screened for the coordinated entry system.
*Please also let clients know that they must be willing to disclose their HIV status and other important medical and psychiatric conditions during the screening process in order to qualify for HOPWA and other high-priority housing. Their disclosure at the time of coordinated entry assessment is crucial in getting the client eligible for a HOPWA unit; helping the client include this at the time of assessment will also help them not to be disqualified.