Mask, Vax and Pax! Download our COVID risk reduction infographics in English and Spanish on this page. There are many scientifically-proven ways to reduce your risk of getting COVID and other respiratory viruses, such as flu and RSV. During the winter and other times when virus levels are high, you can use a combination of evidence-based practices to protect yourself and our communities by:
- Staying home when you have symptoms,
- Getting updated flu and Covid vaccines, and the RSV vaccine if you’re 60+
- Wearing N95/KN95/KF94 masks,
- Ventilating indoor spaces, and
- Testing before gathering, when you have symptoms and after exposures.
- If you get Covid, talk to your provider about getting treatment (such as with Paxlovid) or get a free virtual Covid visit here (1 (888) 897-1244).

Click to download: graphic in English | graphic in Spanish | printable PDF in English and Spanish