East Bay Getting to Zero

Updated: December 2024


Welcome to the East Bay HIV/STI Case Management Manual. 

This effort, led by East Bay Getting to Zero, involved some of the most expert minds in our East Bay HIV/STI services network. Each section was written in the spirit of EBGTZ’s mission, vision and core values:

Our mission is to advance health equity and promote healing for all people impacted by HIV.

Our vision is an East Bay with zero HIV stigma, health disparities, or new HIV transmissions.

Our core values: 

  • People-first
  • Trauma-informed
  • Healing-engaged
  • Anti-racist
  • Sex positive
  • Community-driven
  • Data and science-informed
  • Adaptive and resilient

While each section and many of the subsections are authored by different individuals with varying voices and perspectives, there is an overarching unity and sense of cohesion which is evident throughout the manual. 

We believe this unity results from the years of hands-on experience each author brings to the role of Case Management. Through education, life experience, and trial and error, each author has brought forth the core principles needed to be an effective Case Manager. 

It is our hope that you will return to this resource repeatedly for training, brainstorming and continuing education. Here is a snapshot of what you will find in this manual:

In Section 1: Case Management Scope of Practice – a basic understanding of the core principles and tenets of Case Management are covered.

In Section 2:  Case Management Strategies – Developing your case Management Philosophy. Here, we discuss various types of care and the philosophies that undergird them.

In Section 3: Assessments and Care Planning – the various ways you can get to know your client and meet program guidelines by developing effective assessments and completing comprehensive care plans. 

In Section 4: HIV History and Stigma – we provide some broad background on the development of the epidemic here in the East Bay.

In Section 5: Alameda County Epidemiology – we provide a current picture of the epidemic’s landscape here in Alameda county and some helpful tips on interpreting the data.

In Section 6: HIV 101 and HIV Treatment – a basic overview of HIV and the current treatments are provided.

In Section 7: Sexual Health 101 – a basic overview of STDs. STIs and their current treatment strategies are explained and identified.

In Section 8: Making Strong Referrals and Warn Hand-offs – gives you a better understanding of how to approach these essentials in a manner that is supportive for your clients.

In Section 9: Self-Care and Preventing Burnout – we outline practices and philosophies that will help you to avoid burnout, remain calm and be present for your team and your clients.

In Section 10: Professional growth and Opportunities for Case Managers – the focus is upon supporting yourself through case conferencing and other types of supervision that help keep you growing and grounded.

In Section 11: Caring For Specific Populations – Tips and insights on how to work with clients who are part of specific populations that you may not have experience with. 

While this is not an exhaustive resource, we hope it’s a helpful start. Please use it as a guide that you can supplement with additional resources and evidence-based research as appropriate. If you have feedback, please share it through this feedback form.

Thank you for your support.

Yamini Oseguera-Bhatnagar, East Bay Getting to Zero & Damon Powell, Primary Care at Home