UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital – Teen Clinic

5400 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609
Contact Information
Contact and linkage to care person:
Teresa Courville, RN, MN, CPN
Phone 510-428-3885 x 2827 or
Main office phone 510-428-3336
PrEP Contact:
Lela Bachrach
Access Information
Access during COVID outbreak:
-Most visits are done by phone; very limited in-person visits available based on provider assessment of necessity. Please call to schedule before coming in. Responses within 2-3 hours if you leave a message.
-for case management and mental health services, use same contact info listed
- We welcome:
Insured and uninsured, Medi-Cal, Accepted Sliding Scale; most private insurances. Referral to California Children’s Services based on diagnosis and financial eligibility. Documented and undocumented. We serve any youth ages 11 to 24 yrs. Females under age 11 who have attained physical maturity are also treated. We will see anyone with or without insurance (public or private) in our age group.
- Same-day access and availability:
- Core services:
Comprehensive team approach; Medical case management; Mental health services; In-person or phone interpretive services; On-site pediatric dental services; Nutritional assessments; Benefits counseling; Prenatal consultation visit for HIV+ women prior to delivery; Referral for teen sexual health to Teen Clinic, PEP and PrEP; Transition to young adult care education and planning; International adoption medical/psychosocial evaluation for children with perinatally acquired HIV; Follow up of child victims of sexual assault after initial evaluation in the ED
- Additional services on-site:
- Additional services off-site:
- Please bring (required and recommended documents):
Highlighted Services
Free HIV Testing; Free STD Testing; Navigation services provided; PrEP for uninsured available; PEP offeredLanguages Available
English, SpanishNeed corrections? Email: directory@ebgtz.org
Last updated August 8, 2022