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Thursday, April 30th, 9:30 am – 12 noon: Please click here to register.
This event will be held via Zoom video and phone conferencing with lots of fun interactive elements. A link with the video link and call-in information will be sent to people who register…so please click here and register now if you haven’t already done so. Thank you!
The goal for this workshop is to create a space for front-line workers and advocates from East Bay HIV organizations to learn about how housing and street outreach have changed during the COVID-19 outbreak, connect with people in housing and street outreach organizations, and discuss resources and strategies to better support people experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability.
Learning objectives:
- Discuss strategies for supporting people experiencing homelessness or unstable housing to be in care during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Review updates in local housing resources and best ways to access them
- Determine at least one thing you will do after this workshop to support people experiencing housing instability in healing-centered care
9:30: introductions, breathing exercise/healing practice
9:50: ACPHD updates
10:00: share linkage and housing success stories, including overcoming challenges during the COVID-19 outbreak
10:10: tools and resources: COVID-19 and HIV resources, warm hand-off protocol, group list-serve, service directory with COVID access info
10:30: housing and street outreach service provider panel, impact of COVID-19 on housing and outreach activities, and overview of housing resources
Featured panelists include Roger Jackson (Cal-PEP), Lucy Kasdin (Alameda County Healthcare for the Homeless street teams), Dr. Deborah Borne (SF HHOME project) and Judy Eliachar (AIDS Housing Information Project).
11:10: quick break while we assign virtual breakout rooms
11:15: small group discussions
11:40: share highlights, next steps, wrap up and next meeting
**please note with registration:
It is likely that you have already created an account with us! If that is the case, please just login with your email and password and then register. If you have not yet created an account with us, you will use your preferred email (work or personal), create a password, and complete participant information, but only need to do this once. Then you’ll be able to see all events you’ve attended and will be attending every time you log into your account.
Whenever you need to access your account, go to www.paetc.org and click “my account” at the top.
If you have difficulties registering at first, please try using a different browser before contacting Jessica for assistance.
CEU Information:
This course meets the qualifications for 2.0 contact hours of continuing education credit for nurses as required by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CPE 13741. Bay Area North & Central Coast AIDS Education & Training Center is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Bay Area North & Central Coast AIDS Education & Training Center maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. This course meets the qualifications for 2.0 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, Provider # 133640. Any activities within the program that do not have instructional time are not offered for continuing education credit. Course completion certificates will be awarded upon completion of course evaluations.
Documentation must be retained by the Participant for a period of four years after the conclusion of this program.