East Bay Getting to Zero working groups bring together peers, frontline workers, program leadership and community members to learn together and collaboratively problem-solve HIV-related challenges and make local policy and program recommendations to build the capacity for people-centered, high-quality, culturally appropriate HIV service delivery throughout the East Bay.

East Bay Getting to Zero’s organizational structure includes a Core Team (Director, Deputy Director, and Program Manager), an advisory board, a community steering committee, a Poz+ advisory committee, and 6 collaborative working groups, which collectively support project implementation:
- Regional Case Managers
- PrEP Navigators
- Grupo de Charla y Activismo
- Care Continuum
- AIDS Memorial Garden
- Youth Services and Sexual Health
To join these work groups, please click here and let us know.
PrEP Navigators Working Group
Regional Case Managers Group
Steering Committee
Youth engagement working group
Grupo de Charla (Spanish language working group)
POZ+ group
East Bay Getting to Zero is led by the voices of some of the region’s most experienced, knowledgeable, compassionate and motivated community partners, including people living with HIV, people most affected by HIV, and people who conduct HIV-related advocacy and service provision in community-based organizations, schools, and healthcare settings.
Funding for the community events, campaigns and materials, some working groups, steering committee, and EBGTZ staff time is from: the Alameda County Offices of HIV Care & HIV Prevention, the Levi Strauss Foundation, Viiv Positive Action, Gilead Foundation and Kaiser Community Benefits. Funding for linkage and prevention working group activities, capacity building and clinician core team staff is from the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC), Alameda County Public Health Department and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The funding and support is very much appreciated and critical for the existence of EBGTZ and movement towards collective goals.
Organizations represented in the broader EBGTZ collaborative include (listed alphabetically):
AIDS Healthcare Foundation, AIDS Project of the East Bay, Alameda County Public Health Department, Alameda Health Consortium, Alameda Health System and Highland Hospital, Asian Health Services, Bay Area Community Health, BASE: Bay Area State of Emergency addressing the HIV epidemic in the African American community, Berkeley Free Clinic, CAL-PEP: California Prostitutes Education Project, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, City of Oakland Mayor’s Office, Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Office, Contra Costa Health Services, Get Screened Oakland, HEPPAC: HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County, Kaiser Permanente, La Clínica, LifeLong Medical Care, Oakland LGBTQ Community Center, Oakland Transitional Grant Area Collaborative Community Planning Council , Oakland Unified School District, Rainbow Community Center, Roots Community Health Center, Santa Rita Jail, Somos Familia, Sutter Health and East Bay Advanced Care, University of California Berkeley Tang Health Center, University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, West Oakland Health Council, and WORLD: Women Organized to Respond to Life-Threatening Diseases.